Dreamwood Estate


You can find all of Dreamwood Border Collies' breeding lines in this database - plus lots more.
Understanding Search Results:
1. [Pedigree] shows the 'Ancestors' (Grandparents, Great-Grandparents etc) of the particular puppy you search for.
The puppy's parents are in the left column (father above mother), then each of their parents and so-on, extending 5 generations to the right.
Any repeating 'Ancestors' are shown in matching colours.
2. [Vertical Pedigree] also shows 'Ancestors' etc as in [Pedigree].
It also shows 'Siblings' (brothers and sisters) of each 'Ancestor' i.e. the Uncles and Aunts of the puppy you search for.
3. [Siblings] shows the 'Sire' and 'Dam' (parents) of the particular puppy you search for.
It then shows any immediate brothers and sisters ('Full Siblings').
It also shows any Siblings via the puppy's parents i.e. the Cousins of the puppy you search for.
4. [Offspring] shows the 'Sire' and 'Dam' (parents) of the particular puppy you search for.
It then shows any matings the puppy has had, and the resulting Litter(s).
For each Litter, the puppies in the Litter are shown below the Mate.
5. [Reverse Pedigree] shows all the Offspring (children) in the left column, of the particular puppy you search for.
It then shows all of their individual Offspring, extending 5 generations to the right.
Return to Website:
  1. Click [Home] to return to this website's Home page.
  2. Click [New Search] to begin searching for a new puppy in the Dreamwood Pedigree database.
  3. Press (Click to return) to (re)open the website story for a 'Dreamwood' puppy.
Name Links:
Clicking on a 'Dreamwood' puppy name in Reports 1-4 above, will open the story for that puppy in this website.
Clicking on any other name will show the Report details for the name you click on.
Names in Report 5 are not linked.
This Pedigree information has been gathered from a number of sources and is incomplete.
No guarantee of accuracy is given, or is to be implied.
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