Dreamwood Estate




Gallery:Ryleigh's Dreamwood Offspring

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Gallery:Ryleigh and Star


Gallery:Ryleigh and Indi




Health Details

DOB: 12/3/2014
CEA Status: Clear by Orivet DNA profile
CL Status: Clear by Orivet DNA profile
TNS Status: Clear by Orivet DNA profile
Hip Score: 0:0
Elbow Score: 0:0
Gonioscopy Result: Normal

DNA Profile

Orivet Summary

5th BC National Results

3rd place in Limit Dog Class 8 (Non Champions 6 months and over)
Lovely shaded red and white boy, beautifully marked, beautiful type, lovely stop, upper head and under jaw, wonderful ear carriage, overall balanced, beautiful outline just a bit affected by a slightly wavy coat, beautifully angled, just could show a little bit more will to gait.

 Worldwide Borders

 Where this Dreamwood Border calls Home
Locations shown are only indicative of area