Boy oh Boy - so much for that thing about 50/50 for Heads and Tails.
My half sister Dreamwood Macree (Siobhan) had her first litter 2 weeks ago and guess what - all 6 of them are boys.
My mate Dreamwood Red Ryleigh (Ryleigh) was relieved to see that the 50/50 thing worked with their colour - 3 of them are beautiful Red and White.
So they are going to be really handsome like me - oh, and their daddy too.
Siobhan hasn't had a litter before so all the puppy mothering duties are new to her - but The Boss says she is doing a really great job.
The Boss weighed them yesterday and already one of the Black and White ones is over 1.2 Kg - what a whopper.
You can enjoy lots of pictures in the 'Litter List' section of the website.
More news soon - Uncle Murphy.